Saturday, June 16, 2012

Health Stuff, AGAIN

My heart is in danger.  After mucho testing of my blood (a joy in and of itself) they have discovered that my cholesterol is all out of whack, as is my thyroid (again) and apparently I have a particle in my blood that tells them that my heart is going to become involved in the next ten years.  Despite the changes in my life I've already made, my bad genetics makes it so I have to start going even more crunchy in my diet.  I really need help with this.  The doctor suggested a stone mill to grind up my own stuff, and all that jazz, and other changes.
I wish I had a workout partner, as my last one is moving far, far away and is working as much as possible to get some money for her move and lack of employment until she manages to find a job out there. I have a kinect, Netflix, and an elliptical.  This means workout videos (although a lot of them are for pussies who don't want to sweat, but need an excuse for how emaciated their forms are) I found one mistress who hurts me so good.  Kinect games, mostly dance, and that can get pretty intense.  Like, scary intense.  I'm still scared of my zumba game for most of it. And my dear sweet elliptical that is awesome. So I have a variety of stuff to do, and my foot is basically healed up now.
We have some serious thinking to do, mainly about whether or not to move up the timetable for having a kid, because apparently certain things can be labeled for PCOS, and all I would have to pay for now that we're past the deductible is the meds which Sam's has for a small fee. So if we move up the timetable, we could save thousands of dollars, because there was a lot of medical stuff that happened this year so yeah, we made it past the magical threshold of the giant deductible.
I'm Rrnting while *slightly* drugged up from a MAJOR panic/anxiety attack so if it doesn't make sense just ask.  Plus I'm distracted by the insane amount of stress hives I've broken out in. And I have some sort of infection in my tear duct getting worse by the day.  I'm gonna call the Doc on monday.
Because of drugs, and tiredness, I might clarify later on stuff if anyone's interested in that stuff.

Me with knitting stuff in my hair that was put there by my husbear.
 Also kind of embodies how I feel.  A little loopy, crazy, but me all the same.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Present-y Pictures Please?

I have a horrible habit.  I will knit something up as a gift for someone, and never remember to take a photo of it.  I know it seems like a small thing to get irked about, but... I really really want to post a pic on my Ravelry projects page.  It just looks so empty.  And that makes me feel sad, and not at all productive, especially since I have this horrible habit of forgetting all the wonderful things I did.  I tried journaling my life for a couple months, once, and it was really amazing.  My short term memory and bad self esteem made me feel like I did nothing at all, but by chronicling my days, I saw that I did a LOT.  Then I lost the notebook and being the obsessive person I am wouldn't write anything until I found it.  Then forgot about it.  And still haven't found the notebook, despite several thorough cleanings of the entire house, top to bottom, or rather, bottom to top.  And then, when I ask for pictures, I rarely get them.  In fact, to date, I believe only one cousin has complied with my request.  Is it really that unreasonable?
Anyway, onto more fiber-y things.  I finished some more yarn from my Painted Tiger club, it's not colors I would have picked for myself, but that's kinda the point of why I'm doing the club.  To expand my experience of different types and color combos of fiber.  Don't get me wrong, it's by no means ugly, it's just not me.  And now that I have some hand carders, I've been carding up all the bunny fiber I have, which is a surprising amount.  First I practiced on some cheap superwash wool, and now angora.  Next up is either the puppy fur, or a blend of angora, merino, and possibly sparkles? Help me decide!  I have also determined that I NEED a drum carder.  I just can't afford one.  Ah, maybe with time... *sigh*.  I have horrible habits that snowball into bigger ones.

What puppies are really good for