Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas, New Year's, and beyond.

Okay.  My meds are doing great things.  Christmases were filled with great presents and conversations.  Among my favorite gifts... well all of them are great. Here's the list (that I remember)

*Kindle keyboard (I'm still not ready for touch technology) Andy and I actually got matching ones :D
*Amazon giftcard
*Silk Cocoons- heck yes
*Star wars themed usb drive
*A giant cutting mat for sewing, because my old one was too small for fat quarters without doubling the fabric up
*Some tank tops, you can never have too many tank tops
*Electronic catch phrase
*A whole mess of candies from around the world and various other goodies
*Target giftcard
*Best Buy giftcard
*Boba Fett piggybank (to go with our Yoda and Darth Vader piggybanks)
*Fuzzy dice (I love dice)
*My camera
*Ribbon for crafts
*A remote controlled car customized for me :)

Three generations of ladies :)

My fuzzy puppy enjoying his new toy

Our happy little family <3

My whole nuclear family.  From left to right: Me, Andy, Drew, DJ, Mom, Dad

How DARE I interrupt their play time!

All tuckered out!

New Year's Eve was really nice.  We bought way too much food.  WWWAAYYY too much.  We still have unused frozen stuff.  It was just some family and friends getting together to eat, talk, and play games, especially Trivial Pursuit.  This year the women kicked butt!  It helped that we realized that last year the guys got the easy pile, and the girls got the hard pile :P

Only a portion of the food we had!!!

Yearly tradition of trivial pursuit, guys vs. girls!

With the start of the new year came a new insurance in addition to Andy's work one.  My parents added me onto theirs because they could (and probably because they want grandchildren :D), so I have extra insurance through March, which is when I turn 26.  So I am announcing now that I have been going through an insane amount of fertility tests.  I have a couple things left, including having something removed, but now I pretty much know what's wrong with me.  Andy will have all of his tests done on the thirteenth of February, so soon we will know everything.  I even have an ultrasound picture of my uterus :D  Somehow all of these things keep happening on knit nights and spinning guild, so even though I feel like I'm ready to go to one, I haven't been able to.  For example, I have a minor surgery on the same day as spinning guild.  Things just keep coming up!
I have been making social contact with people though.  Through Andy's work party, I have made some new friends that are really awesome.  I have done everything from trying karaoke for the first time, to going Irish dancing for the first time!  I am really enjoying myself and trying to open up. 

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