Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hi There, Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Gestating.

Yeah.  So.  It's been a long time.  But I have a good reason.  I got pregnant :)
I really don't like it when people become completely obsessed with only talking about baby stuff and never anything but the baby stuff and heaven help you if you dare not show an insane amount of interest in their baby because their baby is only the most important thing in the entire universe to EVERYONE, but because of complications, it has been really the only thing going on in my life.  Interesting to live (okay, not so much), not so interesting to read about.  I will talk about family stuff, and baby stuff, but it was the same thing all the time.  Very boring.  Plus, even though I was on bed rest, I couldn't knit, because everything made me nauseous.  Reading, television, movement, colors, you name it.
Recently I've begun to be able to do stuff sometimes.  Not a lot, but it some.  It's nice.  Really nice.  I want to yell and shout and jump around because it is so amazing to be able to do even small stuff.  I am attempting to get my craft room redone right now.  I can't help much, because furniture is heavy, but I'm doing what I can.  I am working on starting to knit up some baby pants, in a purple and green cotton.  Oh yeah, our baby is a girl. :)

I wrote that when I was getting pretty sick, and then promptly forgot about it for a while, so I'm better now.  Getting a really bad cold put me back a bit.  I had gotten a taste of doing things, and then I was stuck in bed again.  Of course, now I've been having to deal with Braxton-Hicks contractions that range from not bad to ouchie.  Which means when I overdo something, I can get one.  Or if I'm doing nothing at all. Either way, if I get too many, I'm supposed to lie down and drink water.  Fun. Although, for a few weeks now I've been able to see her awesome soccer moves.  Her legs are so long, and so strong!
At least I get to knit and spin some.  I'm almost done with the baby pants.  They said to make the legs a certain length, but to my completely untrained eye it looked like it would make them flood pants, so I may have added a couple inches or so... hey, I can always roll up the pantlegs!  I am trying to pick out what to do next:  I am trying to decide between hat, sweater, or more pants.  Or maybe a skirty shorts soaker.
I've also been cooking and trying to catch up on cleaning. Man, I love cooking, and... also the satisfaction of getting something done.  Homemade soups are still a super favorite, and my super sensitive nose is helping with ad-libbing ingredients together for meals.  It is very nice.  The cleaning... it has has has to get done.  I have a whole list of things that have to get done soon.  It ranges from things like painting the house, to painting the baby room, and the worst part is that I'm supposed to avoid paint!  I can't even help with a lot of stuff! No heavy lifting, no fumes, no doing this or that blah blah blah, all it means is that I'm a big lump of uselessness for the big projects. *ahem*  I'm sticking to things I can still do, and if my doctor asks, of course I'm not overexerting myself and possibly causing more Braxton-Hicks.  (If I were though, it would be totally worth it to have certain things cleaned up)

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