My goals for this year are simple, yet lofty.
I will get healthier, both in body and mind.
I will use what I have.
I will get rid of what I do not use, want, or need.
I will forge the foundation of a mighty business.
I will do things for me. Because I am worth it.
I will spend more quality time with my family, because with all that was going on, things were too frazzled to do much besides exist.
Good luck to all who have simple, lofty goals.
Artsy Little Thing
Tidbits from my goings-on
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Friday, August 19, 2016
A Pinterest Win!
I do things from Pinterest sometimes. Then I forget which specific one I did, or just how good/bad they were.
So for a long time I have been meaning to put them here, (at least some of them) and say how they really were, because my memory is complete crap. And now I am doing it, from my kitchen, while I clean and cook more food. So this will take a long time to write. At least for me. You, dear reader, will not notice a difference.
I did make a couple changes to the recipe. One, I did a mix of chocolate chips, including some dark ones. Honestly, I probably could have used not as much as the recipe said. There was plenty enough sweetness to go around. Two, I used a gluten free flour mix from Bob's Red Mill, because I can't have gluten. It was my first time using it, but it worked just fine. Better than fine, because the husbear said he couldn't taste that it was gluten free.
This recipe is awesome, and will probably become one of my go-to treats. It has a ton of zucchini in it (2 cups) and no oil (it uses applesauce instead). I was really worried, because I have been taken in by promises of tastiness in healthier treats before, only to feel cheated and like I wasted time and expensive ingredients. But this one really lives up to it! I cannot express how happy this made me. Probably too much, but meh. I deserve to get excited about things sometimes.
In short, do this one.
So for a long time I have been meaning to put them here, (at least some of them) and say how they really were, because my memory is complete crap. And now I am doing it, from my kitchen, while I clean and cook more food. So this will take a long time to write. At least for me. You, dear reader, will not notice a difference.
I did make a couple changes to the recipe. One, I did a mix of chocolate chips, including some dark ones. Honestly, I probably could have used not as much as the recipe said. There was plenty enough sweetness to go around. Two, I used a gluten free flour mix from Bob's Red Mill, because I can't have gluten. It was my first time using it, but it worked just fine. Better than fine, because the husbear said he couldn't taste that it was gluten free.
This recipe is awesome, and will probably become one of my go-to treats. It has a ton of zucchini in it (2 cups) and no oil (it uses applesauce instead). I was really worried, because I have been taken in by promises of tastiness in healthier treats before, only to feel cheated and like I wasted time and expensive ingredients. But this one really lives up to it! I cannot express how happy this made me. Probably too much, but meh. I deserve to get excited about things sometimes.
In short, do this one.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Hi There, Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Gestating.
Yeah. So. It's been a long time. But I have a good reason. I got pregnant :)
I really don't like it when people become completely obsessed with only talking about baby stuff and never anything but the baby stuff and heaven help you if you dare not show an insane amount of interest in their baby because their baby is only the most important thing in the entire universe to EVERYONE, but because of complications, it has been really the only thing going on in my life. Interesting to live (okay, not so much), not so interesting to read about. I will talk about family stuff, and baby stuff, but it was the same thing all the time. Very boring. Plus, even though I was on bed rest, I couldn't knit, because everything made me nauseous. Reading, television, movement, colors, you name it.
Recently I've begun to be able to do stuff sometimes. Not a lot, but it some. It's nice. Really nice. I want to yell and shout and jump around because it is so amazing to be able to do even small stuff. I am attempting to get my craft room redone right now. I can't help much, because furniture is heavy, but I'm doing what I can. I am working on starting to knit up some baby pants, in a purple and green cotton. Oh yeah, our baby is a girl. :)
I wrote that when I was getting pretty sick, and then promptly forgot about it for a while, so I'm better now. Getting a really bad cold put me back a bit. I had gotten a taste of doing things, and then I was stuck in bed again. Of course, now I've been having to deal with Braxton-Hicks contractions that range from not bad to ouchie. Which means when I overdo something, I can get one. Or if I'm doing nothing at all. Either way, if I get too many, I'm supposed to lie down and drink water. Fun. Although, for a few weeks now I've been able to see her awesome soccer moves. Her legs are so long, and so strong!
At least I get to knit and spin some. I'm almost done with the baby pants. They said to make the legs a certain length, but to my completely untrained eye it looked like it would make them flood pants, so I may have added a couple inches or so... hey, I can always roll up the pantlegs! I am trying to pick out what to do next: I am trying to decide between hat, sweater, or more pants. Or maybe a skirty shorts soaker.
I've also been cooking and trying to catch up on cleaning. Man, I love cooking, and... also the satisfaction of getting something done. Homemade soups are still a super favorite, and my super sensitive nose is helping with ad-libbing ingredients together for meals. It is very nice. The cleaning... it has has has to get done. I have a whole list of things that have to get done soon. It ranges from things like painting the house, to painting the baby room, and the worst part is that I'm supposed to avoid paint! I can't even help with a lot of stuff! No heavy lifting, no fumes, no doing this or that blah blah blah, all it means is that I'm a big lump of uselessness for the big projects. *ahem* I'm sticking to things I can still do, and if my doctor asks, of course I'm not overexerting myself and possibly causing more Braxton-Hicks. (If I were though, it would be totally worth it to have certain things cleaned up)
I really don't like it when people become completely obsessed with only talking about baby stuff and never anything but the baby stuff and heaven help you if you dare not show an insane amount of interest in their baby because their baby is only the most important thing in the entire universe to EVERYONE, but because of complications, it has been really the only thing going on in my life. Interesting to live (okay, not so much), not so interesting to read about. I will talk about family stuff, and baby stuff, but it was the same thing all the time. Very boring. Plus, even though I was on bed rest, I couldn't knit, because everything made me nauseous. Reading, television, movement, colors, you name it.
Recently I've begun to be able to do stuff sometimes. Not a lot, but it some. It's nice. Really nice. I want to yell and shout and jump around because it is so amazing to be able to do even small stuff. I am attempting to get my craft room redone right now. I can't help much, because furniture is heavy, but I'm doing what I can. I am working on starting to knit up some baby pants, in a purple and green cotton. Oh yeah, our baby is a girl. :)
I wrote that when I was getting pretty sick, and then promptly forgot about it for a while, so I'm better now. Getting a really bad cold put me back a bit. I had gotten a taste of doing things, and then I was stuck in bed again. Of course, now I've been having to deal with Braxton-Hicks contractions that range from not bad to ouchie. Which means when I overdo something, I can get one. Or if I'm doing nothing at all. Either way, if I get too many, I'm supposed to lie down and drink water. Fun. Although, for a few weeks now I've been able to see her awesome soccer moves. Her legs are so long, and so strong!
At least I get to knit and spin some. I'm almost done with the baby pants. They said to make the legs a certain length, but to my completely untrained eye it looked like it would make them flood pants, so I may have added a couple inches or so... hey, I can always roll up the pantlegs! I am trying to pick out what to do next: I am trying to decide between hat, sweater, or more pants. Or maybe a skirty shorts soaker.
I've also been cooking and trying to catch up on cleaning. Man, I love cooking, and... also the satisfaction of getting something done. Homemade soups are still a super favorite, and my super sensitive nose is helping with ad-libbing ingredients together for meals. It is very nice. The cleaning... it has has has to get done. I have a whole list of things that have to get done soon. It ranges from things like painting the house, to painting the baby room, and the worst part is that I'm supposed to avoid paint! I can't even help with a lot of stuff! No heavy lifting, no fumes, no doing this or that blah blah blah, all it means is that I'm a big lump of uselessness for the big projects. *ahem* I'm sticking to things I can still do, and if my doctor asks, of course I'm not overexerting myself and possibly causing more Braxton-Hicks. (If I were though, it would be totally worth it to have certain things cleaned up)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Okay, NOW I'm HOPEFULLY Coming Back from the Dead for Real
Okay. This summer has been so horrible and I hope that along with the season, all the things that have been going on leave. In addition to the other stuff I already talked about, I had a really bad wart that needed a few laser treatments to remove it, but I had a bad reaction to the
laser every time. Which resulted in a horribly bad and deep blood blister, so
I couldn't walk for about a week each time. I had another bout of sinusitis that spread to my eye, ear, and throat. I also had some colds, more issues with my lady bits, and problems with a couple organs. The latest thing is pretty much my fault, but still sucks. I went to the Renaissance Festival wearing some shoes that looked great, but hurt my feet... really bad. I did eventually switch to tennis shoes, but it was too late. Both of my big toes turned purple, I had to get some meds (which caused yet another lady bit issue) and had parts of both nails removed. Healing has been a long process, hindered by yet another cold. Yay for me.
On a more cheerful note, I've been doing some glass fusing, experimenting with stuff... that mostly isn't turning out, but hey, live and learn. I am also knitting, which is soothing since I haven't been able to spin when I have feet issues, though I did just have to frog a big secret project. My sister in law had her baby, which is the most adorable baby in the entire universe. I've gotten to visit her a few times, and even watched her once! Hopefully I will get to see her again soon, but ever since she went back to work they've been busy. Andy is her godfather :) which kinda makes me like a step-godmother sorta. I'm the one who has time to plan things for her and stuff :P I knit her a couple pairs of socks and a blankie (that I of course forgot to take pictures of). And I might or might not be working on some other things *shifty eyes*.
Tonight I'm going out for the first time in a while. One of my friends is in a band that is part of a charity concert SlutWalk Benefit Concert @Acadia which benefits slutwalkminneapolis. Don't let the name scare you, check it out. It's an awesome cause. It's at a bar/restaurant place so there will be seats and food. Perfect for a nice night out that isn't too taxing, all for a good cause, and watch my friend perform!
On a more cheerful note, I've been doing some glass fusing, experimenting with stuff... that mostly isn't turning out, but hey, live and learn. I am also knitting, which is soothing since I haven't been able to spin when I have feet issues, though I did just have to frog a big secret project. My sister in law had her baby, which is the most adorable baby in the entire universe. I've gotten to visit her a few times, and even watched her once! Hopefully I will get to see her again soon, but ever since she went back to work they've been busy. Andy is her godfather :) which kinda makes me like a step-godmother sorta. I'm the one who has time to plan things for her and stuff :P I knit her a couple pairs of socks and a blankie (that I of course forgot to take pictures of). And I might or might not be working on some other things *shifty eyes*.
Tonight I'm going out for the first time in a while. One of my friends is in a band that is part of a charity concert SlutWalk Benefit Concert @Acadia which benefits slutwalkminneapolis. Don't let the name scare you, check it out. It's an awesome cause. It's at a bar/restaurant place so there will be seats and food. Perfect for a nice night out that isn't too taxing, all for a good cause, and watch my friend perform!
benefit concert,
going out,
super secret projects
Friday, July 20, 2012
Back From The Dead
For the last couple weeks, I've been plagued by sinusitis, an eye infection, an ear infection, two lady part problems, and now it seems the ear infections might be coming back, but aside from feeling incredibly weak and tired, four prescriptions later I'm doing okay. Besides the ear pain.
Anyway, I've been too sick to even spin (I've been mostly sleeping) so I've missed out on most of the Tour de Fleece, which is really sad, because I missed out on a bunch of fun, and some contests. Now I'm going to be too busy to finish it up, what with catching up on some essential cleaning (seriously, without me broken dishes stay on the floor* and garbage bags don't get replaced. NOTHING gets done, except dishes) and family. And my puppy has an ear infection as well. Lovely day it was today. On the plus side, I finally had the energy to cook again, so I got some real food :)
I did start Skyrim... I haven't put too much time in, but so far it is awe-inspiring. The graphics are just freaking amazing, I like some of the new things they are incorporating, and the dungeons are less repetition, more fun (so far, because I guess I haven't done too many yet). The only thing I want is the ability to hold more weight, but that's just me. I'm a whore and OCD about picking up everything. Everything. And then selling it or collecting it. In Oblivion I was a total drunk for potions so I could hold over 1400 pounds. I <3 flax. Anyway, I'm in love. I've been actively avoiding spoilers, so please don't ruin it for me.
Wish us luck!
*okay, only one broken bowl
Anyway, I've been too sick to even spin (I've been mostly sleeping) so I've missed out on most of the Tour de Fleece, which is really sad, because I missed out on a bunch of fun, and some contests. Now I'm going to be too busy to finish it up, what with catching up on some essential cleaning (seriously, without me broken dishes stay on the floor* and garbage bags don't get replaced. NOTHING gets done, except dishes) and family. And my puppy has an ear infection as well. Lovely day it was today. On the plus side, I finally had the energy to cook again, so I got some real food :)
I did start Skyrim... I haven't put too much time in, but so far it is awe-inspiring. The graphics are just freaking amazing, I like some of the new things they are incorporating, and the dungeons are less repetition, more fun (so far, because I guess I haven't done too many yet). The only thing I want is the ability to hold more weight, but that's just me. I'm a whore and OCD about picking up everything. Everything. And then selling it or collecting it. In Oblivion I was a total drunk for potions so I could hold over 1400 pounds. I <3 flax. Anyway, I'm in love. I've been actively avoiding spoilers, so please don't ruin it for me.
Wish us luck!
*okay, only one broken bowl
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Health Stuff, AGAIN
My heart is in danger. After mucho testing of my blood (a joy in and of itself) they have discovered that my cholesterol is all out of whack, as is my thyroid (again) and apparently I have a particle in my blood that tells them that my heart is going to become involved in the next ten years. Despite the changes in my life I've already made, my bad genetics makes it so I have to start going even more crunchy in my diet. I really need help with this. The doctor suggested a stone mill to grind up my own stuff, and all that jazz, and other changes.
I wish I had a workout partner, as my last one is moving far, far away and is working as much as possible to get some money for her move and lack of employment until she manages to find a job out there. I have a kinect, Netflix, and an elliptical. This means workout videos (although a lot of them are for pussies who don't want to sweat, but need an excuse for how emaciated their forms are) I found one mistress who hurts me so good. Kinect games, mostly dance, and that can get pretty intense. Like, scary intense. I'm still scared of my zumba game for most of it. And my dear sweet elliptical that is awesome. So I have a variety of stuff to do, and my foot is basically healed up now.
We have some serious thinking to do, mainly about whether or not to move up the timetable for having a kid, because apparently certain things can be labeled for PCOS, and all I would have to pay for now that we're past the deductible is the meds which Sam's has for a small fee. So if we move up the timetable, we could save thousands of dollars, because there was a lot of medical stuff that happened this year so yeah, we made it past the magical threshold of the giant deductible.
I'm Rrnting while *slightly* drugged up from a MAJOR panic/anxiety attack so if it doesn't make sense just ask. Plus I'm distracted by the insane amount of stress hives I've broken out in. And I have some sort of infection in my tear duct getting worse by the day. I'm gonna call the Doc on monday.
Because of drugs, and tiredness, I might clarify later on stuff if anyone's interested in that stuff.
I wish I had a workout partner, as my last one is moving far, far away and is working as much as possible to get some money for her move and lack of employment until she manages to find a job out there. I have a kinect, Netflix, and an elliptical. This means workout videos (although a lot of them are for pussies who don't want to sweat, but need an excuse for how emaciated their forms are) I found one mistress who hurts me so good. Kinect games, mostly dance, and that can get pretty intense. Like, scary intense. I'm still scared of my zumba game for most of it. And my dear sweet elliptical that is awesome. So I have a variety of stuff to do, and my foot is basically healed up now.
We have some serious thinking to do, mainly about whether or not to move up the timetable for having a kid, because apparently certain things can be labeled for PCOS, and all I would have to pay for now that we're past the deductible is the meds which Sam's has for a small fee. So if we move up the timetable, we could save thousands of dollars, because there was a lot of medical stuff that happened this year so yeah, we made it past the magical threshold of the giant deductible.
I'm Rrnting while *slightly* drugged up from a MAJOR panic/anxiety attack so if it doesn't make sense just ask. Plus I'm distracted by the insane amount of stress hives I've broken out in. And I have some sort of infection in my tear duct getting worse by the day. I'm gonna call the Doc on monday.
Because of drugs, and tiredness, I might clarify later on stuff if anyone's interested in that stuff.
![]() | ||
Me with knitting stuff in my hair that was put there by my husbear. |
Also kind of embodies how I feel. A little loopy, crazy, but me all the same.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Present-y Pictures Please?
I have a horrible habit. I will knit something up as a gift for someone, and never remember to take a photo of it. I know it seems like a small thing to get irked about, but... I really really want to post a pic on my Ravelry projects page. It just looks so empty. And that makes me feel sad, and not at all productive, especially since I have this horrible habit of forgetting all the wonderful things I did. I tried journaling my life for a couple months, once, and it was really amazing. My short term memory and bad self esteem made me feel like I did nothing at all, but by chronicling my days, I saw that I did a LOT. Then I lost the notebook and being the obsessive person I am wouldn't write anything until I found it. Then forgot about it. And still haven't found the notebook, despite several thorough cleanings of the entire house, top to bottom, or rather, bottom to top. And then, when I ask for pictures, I rarely get them. In fact, to date, I believe only one cousin has complied with my request. Is it really that unreasonable?
Anyway, onto more fiber-y things. I finished some more yarn from my Painted Tiger club, it's not colors I would have picked for myself, but that's kinda the point of why I'm doing the club. To expand my experience of different types and color combos of fiber. Don't get me wrong, it's by no means ugly, it's just not me. And now that I have some hand carders, I've been carding up all the bunny fiber I have, which is a surprising amount. First I practiced on some cheap superwash wool, and now angora. Next up is either the puppy fur, or a blend of angora, merino, and possibly sparkles? Help me decide! I have also determined that I NEED a drum carder. I just can't afford one. Ah, maybe with time... *sigh*. I have horrible habits that snowball into bigger ones.
Anyway, onto more fiber-y things. I finished some more yarn from my Painted Tiger club, it's not colors I would have picked for myself, but that's kinda the point of why I'm doing the club. To expand my experience of different types and color combos of fiber. Don't get me wrong, it's by no means ugly, it's just not me. And now that I have some hand carders, I've been carding up all the bunny fiber I have, which is a surprising amount. First I practiced on some cheap superwash wool, and now angora. Next up is either the puppy fur, or a blend of angora, merino, and possibly sparkles? Help me decide! I have also determined that I NEED a drum carder. I just can't afford one. Ah, maybe with time... *sigh*. I have horrible habits that snowball into bigger ones.
What puppies are really good for
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