Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Oh Yeah, By The Way, I Adopted An Angora Rabbit.

I have a really good friend, blumzieluxuryyarns who breeds and raises angora rabbits.  She had this one chubby little satin angora bunny named Bunny who had infertility issues, just like a certain author that is writing these words right now.  She offered to give (!<3!) her to me, because she needs rabbits whose lady bits work right.
At first, when I brought her home, I wasn't sure it was going to work.  She got an insanely bad UTI that was made worse reeeaaaaly fast because of the stress of moving, so she ended up peeing blood.  Not good.  Plus when our puppy got near her she flipped out and scratched at his face and grunted at him.  I took her to my vet, who is so awesome, and sees all kinds of animals, like hamsters and bunnies, because he is tired of people treating them like disposable pets.  She got a shot (that she took like a BOSS) and got some nasty smelling meds that I had to force feed her with an infant syringe.  Little by little she got better, and we moved her into the garage on a pedestal, where she has her own space, but we bring her inside about every other day.
Bunny, now mostly known as Honey Bunny has calmed down a lot.  She flips out if she doesn't get food fast enough, which includes her throwing her food dish around, and anything else not secured to the wall, and a diva-like huff and a body move (that thing huffy prissy women do) fit for a movie starlet, lol.  She likes Teddy... in that she wants to hump him now.  Which with long claws hurts. Teddy keeps more of a distance now, unless she engages him in play in the living room. We gave her a blankie, and now she won't let anyone mess with it :D She uses it for cuddles, and to hide her treats, chewies, and toys.  We are now in the process of getting a custom hutch (bigger hole for her).  We also got her a chest harness and leash that she's getting used to.  With my new dosage of meds I was able to go outside in the backyard with both fuzzies for about ten minutes. I consider this a big win.  I love my new dosage.

Introducing: Honey Bunny!
 Just chillin' in the corner under some windows.

And for some added drama(and hilarity), have this:

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